Cyber Security Hints and Tips.
The following notes and further reading material were presented at a meeting a few years ago and are included here for reference. Copies of the presentation material can be found here. The following video was used in the presentation:
Spot the sign of scams
The following handout and leaflet were available:
Cyber Overview Handout
Little Leaflet of Cyber Mistakes.
I’d recommend anyone who uses Facebook to set their Friends list to private, this protects you from having your account cloned.
Anyone is most welcome to follow our Twitter feed and Facebook accounts @LeicsCyberAware, where information is put out daily on Cyber, Fraud & Scams. Followers from outside of Leicestershire are more than welcome to follow our accounts.
We would also urge everyone to consider signing up to our free community messaging service, Neighbourhood Link, which is free for Leicestershire residents and businesses to sign up to. Local Beat Teams put out information, crime prevention etc and both I and Action Fraud also send out Cyber, Fraud and Scam information – to sign up, please visit and select “Register”. We would ask that the email field is populated as presently that is the channel we use, unless it’s a significant incident or emergency, when mobile/landline is used. This is for members of the public, and businesses/organisations/schools etc.
Many thanks
Samantha Hancock.
Cyber Protect Officer
Digital Hub - Force Headquarters
Leicestershire Police
Spot the sign of scams
The following handout and leaflet were available:
Cyber Overview Handout
Little Leaflet of Cyber Mistakes.
I’d recommend anyone who uses Facebook to set their Friends list to private, this protects you from having your account cloned.
Anyone is most welcome to follow our Twitter feed and Facebook accounts @LeicsCyberAware, where information is put out daily on Cyber, Fraud & Scams. Followers from outside of Leicestershire are more than welcome to follow our accounts.
We would also urge everyone to consider signing up to our free community messaging service, Neighbourhood Link, which is free for Leicestershire residents and businesses to sign up to. Local Beat Teams put out information, crime prevention etc and both I and Action Fraud also send out Cyber, Fraud and Scam information – to sign up, please visit and select “Register”. We would ask that the email field is populated as presently that is the channel we use, unless it’s a significant incident or emergency, when mobile/landline is used. This is for members of the public, and businesses/organisations/schools etc.
Many thanks
Samantha Hancock.
Cyber Protect Officer
Digital Hub - Force Headquarters
Leicestershire Police