Interest Groups
There are over 30 interest groups and a full list with days and times of their meetings is shown below. For further information on each Group click on the Group Name and a new page with an image and text will appear. (Many of the images have been AI generated):
Group | Co-Ordinator | Meeting Day | Time |
Art | Chris B | 2nd Tuesday | 2-4pm | Art Appreciation | Ursula | 2nd Friday | 2-4pm |
Book Chat | Sylvie | 3rd Tuesday | 10-12 noon |
Card Games | Cynthia | 2nd & 4th Friday | 10-12 noon |
Chinese Exercises | Lily | Wednesday weekly | 7-8pm |
Engineering Science & Technology | Chris R | 3rd Thursday | 10-12 noon |
Evening Dining Club | Denise | 2nd Wednesday | 7:30pm | Gentle Cycling | Sue C | 1st, 2nd &/or 3rd Wednesday | 10am-12.30pm |
Give it a Go | Hamish | Varies | N/A |
History | Viv | 1st Tuesday | 2-4pm |
Holidays | Hamish | Varies | N/A |
Lively Discussion | Marilyn & Anne W | 2nd Monday | 10:30am-12:30pm |
Lunch | Linda H | 1st Wednesday | 12:30pm |
Motor Cycle | Colin | Varies | Daytime |
Petanque | Malcolm H | Thursday weekly | 10am |
Photography | Michael | Last Friday | 10-12 noon |
Poetry | Sylvia | Last Thursday | 2-4pm |
Quiz | Joan | 1st Tuesday | 10-11:30am |
Scrabble | Dot | 2nd Wednesday | 10-12 noon |
Singing for Fun | Hamish | 1st Tuesday | 10-12 noon | Snail's Pace Walking | Mandy | 3rd Friday | 10:45-12:30 pm |
Social Events | Various | Varies | Daytime |
Supper Club 1st | Ann H | 4th Thursday | 7-10:30 pm |
Supper Club 2nd | Nigel | 2nd Friday | 7-10:30 pm |
Table Tennis | Nigel | Monday | 2-4pm |
Ten Pin Bowling | Richard | 2nd Friday | 11:00am – 1:00pm |
Tennis Rusty Rackets | Geoff | Tuesday | 2:30-4:30pm |
Theatre Visits | Eddie | Varies | Day/Evening |
Walking 1st Wednesday | Peter | 1st Wednesday | Daytime |
Walking 4th Wednesday | Sue & Peter | 4th Wednesday | Daytime |
Exploring World Faiths | Hamish | 1st Thursday | 10-12 noon |
The Groups' Co-ordinator is Colin Beadle and he can be contacted on
M: 07505 997767 E: [email protected]
For full names of the Co-ordinators and their contact details please email:
[email protected]
M: 07505 997767 E: [email protected]
For full names of the Co-ordinators and their contact details please email:
[email protected]