Walking Groups
Both u3a`s in Lutterworth jointly run three walking groups that organise a walk on different days of the month. The walks are typically 4 to 6 miles usually in the countryside along footpaths, tracks, canal towpaths and quiet lanes. They are not "route marches" but leisurely walks where you can take in the scenery, flora and fauna and have the opportunity to meet new friends and chatter as you walk. The whole experience is so good for both physical health and mental well being. We always stop about halfway for a break to have a drink and some even have a snack. All the walks are checked out first and details published in advance in the monthly bulletin/newsletter. There is absolutely no commitment to do any of the walks, you just turn up on the day at the starting point and time advised....... and walk.
Click here to see the George & Dragon Menu for November walk.